My Platforms

As our state faces difficult decisions, we must remain principle-based to be successful. Below, you'll find the principles that will guide me as your legislator.

Economy & Taxes- As a businessman, I recognize the need for reduced regulation and a tax structure that promotes innovation and investment.  A strong and vibrant economy will benefit all Utahns.

Property Rights- The right to own property is fundamental to a free people.  I will work hard to ensure personal property rights are protected.

Public Lands- My family enjoys visiting and spending time on federal and state lands.  I will make sure those areas are protected for recreation, as well as wise agriculture and industry uses.  Public land-use policy decisions should be made on a local level.

Education- Education functions best when decisions are made on a local level.  Funding our public schools at all levels is a top priority.  I will make sure we follow high standards for our teachers and students while allowing parent choice and providing the best help we can to teachers and students.

Public Safety- I am a proud supporter of our public safety officials.  We live in a time when we need to be sure our safety is protected and our first responders are respected.   

Transportation- With expected population growth, we need to make sure our transportation needs are met and that our rural areas are not forgotten.  Funding the maintenance and new construction of our transportation systems is critical to the economic development of our community.

Mental Health- I acknowledge the many different types of mental disorders and support help and treatment for individuals.  I will work to make sure resources are available for those who need help.

Health Care- My family has felt the effects of a worsening health care system.  I support free market solutions to get us back to affordable rates for families and competitive business opportunities.

Innovation- Technology is a wonderful thing.  I am encouraged by all the good I can see in science and how it can benefit agriculture, health, and business. I will support new opportunities for growth in this area.

2nd Amendment- I am an avid sportsman and enjoy spending time in the field with my children.  As an owner and member of hunting clubs, I strongly support the 2nd Amendment.

Energy- Developing new forms of energy is crucial to support our growing population. I believe that Utah can lead the way in developing new energy technologies.  I support the development of all forms of power.